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Turn your vision into reality with AI technology.

Metalinks uses advanced AI technology such as ChatGPT and a professional team to solve clients' business issues and create new business opportunities.

We build strategic partnerships for future growth by using AI and other solutions to increase efficiency, maximize profits, reduce costs, and strengthen competitiveness.


Grow your business
​Would you like to accelerate with AI?

With the advent of AI such as ChatGPT, the way the world works is undergoing a major change. The Singularity is said to arrive in 2045, when AI will surpass human intelligence, but we believe that the Singularity will arrive before then. This is because AI is growing at an accelerating rate every day. We will grow as a company that surpasses this rapidly developing AI.


I was excited about using cutting-edge technology.
Create business value.

​AI development

We utilize AI technology to develop customized solutions. We develop AI applications and platforms tailored to your business challenges, helping you improve efficiency and competitiveness.

Metaverse development

We specialize in the development of immersive virtual worlds (metaverses) and aim to leverage real-time 3D graphics and interactions to build your own metaverses. Maximize user experience and deliver new digital experiences.

BMI research and development

We develop technology that connects the brain and computer and applies brain activity to control and communication, and conduct basic research into innovative solutions in fields such as medicine, computer control, and rehabilitation.


WEB design

Strengthen your online presence by providing an attractive and easy-to-use website. We contribute to business success by providing design, content creation, SEO optimization, security measures, and effective user experiences.

​Blockchain development

We leverage blockchain technology to provide secure and transparent solutions. We develop custom solutions tailored to our customers' needs, including developing blockchain networks, designing smart contracts, and building decentralized applications (DApps).

DX promotion

We provide full-cycle services that cover all aspects of system development to support our clients' DX promotion.

Nanotechnology research and development

We develop nanoscale devices and sensors and conduct basic research into efficient solutions in fields such as medicine, energy, and electronics.


WEB design

Strengthen your online presence by providing an attractive and easy-to-use website. We contribute to business success by providing design, content creation, SEO optimization, security measures, and effective user experiences.

MetaLinks by the numbers


Years of experience


​Number of business partners


​Number installed


Number of countries sold


Number of industry awards

our company's

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